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Appalachian Collection





There has been a gradual expansion of information gathered for each successivecensus. If you are just beginning your genealogical research, start withthe latest census and work backwards in time.

1790, 1800, 1810, 1820, 1830 & 1840: These census records provideonly the name of the head of the household and only the number of free malesand females in a family. No names (other than the head of the household)or precise ages are given until 1850. The number of age brackets increaseeach year. In 1790 we are shown only free white males under 16 and over 16,free white females, all other free persons (by sex and color), and slaves.However, in 1830 and 1840 there are 13 age brackets for each sex, but stillonly the name of the head of the household is given.

1850 and 1860: For the first time the name of every free person inthe household is given. Their relationship to the head of the household isstill not given. We are given their exact age, sex and color, and for thefirst time their place of birth and occupation.

1870: For the first time, in this year we find whether the individual'sfather and mother were foreign born and also for the first time we are giventhe month of a person's birth. In addition, the name, age, sex, color,occupation, and birthplace are provided.

1880, 1900, & 1910: After 1880, not only is the head of the householdlisted, but also the names of all others in the household, and for the firsttime the relationship of all others to the head of the household. 1870 tellsus whether the parents of an individual were foreign born and for the firsttime in 1880 the census lists the country or state of birth of the individualand the individual's mother and father.

1890: Most of the schedules were destroyed or badly damaged by fire.We have only a record of Civil War Union veterans and the widows of Unionsoldiers.

1900: In addition to all the other information listed for 1880, weare also given the year of immigration and the number of years the personhas been in this country. It also tells the length of present marriage, andif a mother, the number of living and deceased children.

1910: Gives all the other information noted, but also tells whetherthe individual is a survivor of the Union or Confederate Army or Navy, andif foreign born, year of immigration and citizenship status.

1920: The format and information resembles that of the 1910 census,but omits service in the Union or Confederate Army or Navy, length of marriage,and number of children born. New questions asked the year of naturalizationand mother tongue.

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SOUNDEX - Soundex is a good tool for locating a family in a state,when the county is unknown. It files together all the people in the statewith names that sound the same although they are spelled differently. Forinstance, all the John Smiths are listed together without regard to theircounties of residence. Soundex may be rented by placing an order at theCirculation Desk.

1880: Lists only those families which include a child under 10. Thename, age, & birthplace of each individual is given.

1900, 1920: List everyone, giving name, age, race, month and yearof birth, birthplace, citizenship status (if foreign-born), and relationshipto head of household.

1910: Called Soundex/Miracode. It indexes only 21 states and MARYLANDIS NOT INCLUDED. It does include Pennsylvania and West Virginia. The statesindexed are to be found in the National Archives catalog of census microfilm,The 1910 Federal Population Census, located at the Circulation Desk.



Maryland 1790 Federal Census Index. apl. HA425.M37 1790

Maryland 1800 Census Index. apl. HA425.M37 1800

Index to the 1800 Federal Census of Allegany, Anne Arundel, CalvertCounties and City of Baltimore [compiled from microcopy of the original records].apl. HA427.A65.Al 1800

Maryland 1810 Census Index. apl. HA425.M37 1810

Maryland 1820 Census Index. apl. HA425.M37 1820

Maryland 1830 Census Index. apl. HA425.M37 1830

Maryland 1840 Census Index. apl. HA425.M37 1840

Maryland 1850 Census Index. apl. HA425.M37 1850

Maryland 1860 Federal Census Index: Except the City of Baltimore.apl. HA425.M37 1860

Maryland 1890: Veterans. apl. HA425.M37 1890

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Index to the 1800 Census of Pennsylvania. apl. HA605.P46 1800

Pennsylvania 1810 [Census Index]. apl. HA605.P46 1810

Pennsylvania 1820 Census Index. apl. HA605.P46 1820

Pennsylvania 1830 Census Index. apl. HA605.P46 1830

Pennsylvania 1840 Census Index. apl. HA605.P46 1840

Pennsylvania 1850 Census Index. apl. HA605.P46 1850

Pennsylvania 1860 West Federal Census Index: Excluding Allegheny andButler Counties. apl. HA605.P46 1860

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Virginia 1800 Accomack County Census Index. apl. HA687.A2.A1 1800

Index to the 1810 Census of Virginia. apl. F225.B45

Virginia 1810 Census Index. apl. HA687.V57 1810

Index to the 1820 Census of Virginia. apl. F225.F4

Virginia 1820 Census Index. apl. HA687.V57 1820

Virginia 1830 [Census Index]. apl. HA687.V57 1830

Virginia 1840 [Census Index]. apl. HA687.V57 1840

Virginia 1850 Census Index. apl. HA687.V57 1850

Hampshire County, Virginia (now West Virginia) (1782-1850):Heads of Families and Index to the United States Census. apl. HA707.M33.M5

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West Virginia 1860. apl. HA705.W4 1860

West Virginia 1870. apl. HA705.W4 1870

West Virginia 1890 Veterans Census. apl. HA705.W4 1890


The census microfilm reports are organized alphabetically by state andchronologically by year. Titles followed by a call number are books.

INDIANA - 1850 [Tipton, Union, and Vanderburgh Counties]. microfilm

KENTUCKY, LOUISIANA, MAINE, MARYLAND and MASSACHUSETTS - 1900(Descriptions of census enumeration districts--1 of 10 available rolls).microfilm

MARYLAND - 1776 [Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Caroline, Dorchester, Frederick,Harford, Prince George, Queen Anne and Talbot Counties]. apl. HA427.A66 1776

MARYLAND - 1778 [Caroline, Charles and Queen Anne Counties]. apl.HA427.C53 1778

MARYLAND - 1790 Heads of Families at the First Census of the UnitedStates Taken in the Year 1790 - Maryland. apl. HA421.A1 1790a

MARYLAND - 1800 [Allegany, Anne Arundel Counties, Baltimore City andCalvert County]. microfilm

MARYLAND - 1800 Census of Allegany County, Maryland (compiled fromoriginal records ... ). apl. HA427.A65 1800

MARYLAND - 1800 Census: Washington County, Maryland (compiled fromoriginal sources). apl. HA427.W37 1800

MARYLAND - 1810 [Allegany, Anne Arundel, Calvert, Caroline, Cecil,Charles, Dorchester, Frederick, Harford, Kent, Montgomery, and Talbot Counties].microfilm

MARYLAND - 1820 [Allegany, Calvert, Caroline, Cecil and Charles Counties].microfilm

MARYLAND - 1830 [Allegany and Anne Arundel Counties]. microfilm

MARYLAND - 1840 [Allegany and Anne Arundel Counties]. microfilm

MARYLAND - 1850 [Allegany and Anne Arundel Counties and Baltimore].microfilm

MARYLAND - 1860 [Allegany County]. microfilm

MARYLAND - 1870 [Allegany, Anne Arundel, and Baltimore Counties].microfilm

MARYLAND - 1880 [Allegany, Anne Arundel, Dorchester, Garrett and FrederickCounties]. microfilm

MARYLAND - 1890 [Allegany, Anne Arundel, Calvert, Carroll, Charles,Frederick, Garrett, Howard, Montgomery, Prince Georges, St. Marys, and WashingtonCounties] (Burned. We have only a record of Civil War Union survivors andthe widows of Union soldiers.). microfilm

MARYLAND 1890: Veterans. apl. HA425.M37 1890

MARYLAND - 1900 [Allegany, Garrett and Harford Counties]. microfilm

MARYLAND - 1910 [Allegany, Frederick, Garrett and Harford Counties].microfilm

MARYLAND - 1920 [Allegany, Anne Arundel, Frederick, Garrett, Howard,Kent Counties]. microfilm

A map of Cumberland and Vicinity 1918 with ward numbers is located in themap section of the Appalachian Room.

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PENNSYLVANIA - 1790 [Bedford County]. apl. HA607.B25 A1 1790

PENNSYLVANIA - 1790 Heads of Families at the First Census of the UnitedStates Taken in the Year 1790. apl. HA601.A1 1790a

PENNSYLVANIA - 1800 [Beaver, Bedford, Bucks, Butler and Chester Counties].microfilm

PENNSYLVANIA - 1810 [Beaver, Bedford, Berks, Bucks, Butler, Cambriaand Centre Counties]. microfilm

PENNSYLVANIA - 1820 [Bedford, Bradford, Butler, Cambria, Centre,Clearfield, Greene Counties]. microfilm

PENNSYLVANIA - 1830 [Bedford, Cambria, Clearfield, Indiana, Jefferson,McKean, Potter and Somerset Counties]. microfilm

PENNSYLVANIA - 1840 [Bedford and Somerset Counties]. microfilm

PENNSYLVANIA - 1850 [Bedford, Clearfield, Clinton, Somerset, Sullivanand Westmoreland County [part] ]. microfilm

PENNSYLVANIA - 1860 [Bedford and Somerset Counties]. microfilm

PENNSYLVANIA - 1870 [Bedford, Clearfield and Somerset Counties]. microfilm

PENNSYLVANIA - 1880 [Bedford, Schuylkill, Snyder, Somerset and SullivanCounties]. microfilm

PENNSYLVANIA - 1890 [Adams, Bedford, Blair, Cumberland, Franklin,Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata, Mifflin, Perry, Snyder, Somerset, Union andWashington Counties]. microfilm

PENNSYLVANIA - 1900 [Beaver, Bedford, Berks, Schuylkill and SomersetCounties]. microfilm

PENNSYLVANIA - 1910 [Beaver, Bedford, Berks, Somerset and SullivanCounties]. microfilm

PENNSYLVANIA - 1920 [Bedford, Carbon Counties]. microfilm

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VIRGINIA - 1790 Heads of Families at the First Census of the UnitedStates Taken in the Year 1790; Records of the State Enumerations: 1782 to1785. apl. HA681.A1 1790a

VIRGINIA - 1810 Census of Virginia, Made from Microfilm [Botetourt,Fauquier, Hampshire, Harrison, Monongalia, Randolph, Rockingham, Rockridge,Shenandoah Counties]. apl. HA687.A1 1810

VIRGINIA - 1810 Heads of Households for Three Virginia Counties fromthe Federal Census and State Tax List for Rockingham, Pendleton and HardyCounties. apl. HA687.R62.A1 1810

VIRGINIA - 1820 Census of Virginia, Made from Microfilm [Fauquier,Hampshire, Harrison, Shenandoah Counties]. apl. HA687.A1 1820

VIRGINIA - 1830 [Hampshire, Hardy, Jefferson, Kanawha, Lewis, Logan,Lee, Monongalia, Russell Counties]. microfilm

VIRGINIA - 1840 [Hampshire, Jackson, and Jefferson Counties]. microfilm

VIRGINIA - 1850 [Braxton, Halifax, Hardy, Hampshire, Pocahontas, Powhatan,Preston, Rockingham, Shenandoah and Smyth Counties]. microfilm

VIRGINIA - 1850 Morgan County Census. apl. HA687.V8.E43 1850

VIRGINIA - 1860 [Hampshire and Hanover Counties]. microfilm

VIRGINIA - 1860 The 1860 Federal Census of Hampshire County, Virginia:Present Day Hampshire; and Mineral County, West Virginia (With Maiden NamesAdded). apl. F247.H2 O16 1990

VIRGINIA - 1880 [Mason (part), Mercer and Mineral (part), Shenandoah,Smyth and Southampton Counties]. microfilm

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WEST VIRGINIA - 1787 Census of Berkeley County, West Virginia. apl.F247.B5 S37 1987

WEST VIRGINIA - 1787 Census of Hampshire County, West Virginia. apl.F247.H2 S37 1987

WEST VIRGINIA - 1850 Census of Wetzel County (West) Virginia. apl.HA707.W5 E45 1980

WEST VIRGINIA - 1850 U.S. census : Ritchie County, (West) Virginia.apl. HA707.R5 .E45 1991

WEST VIRGINIA - 1850 U.S. census : Tyler County, (West) Virginia.apl. HA707.T9.E45 1991

WEST VIRGINIA - 1860 Census of Pendelton County, West Virginia. apl.HA707.P3.A1 1860

WEST VIRGINIA - 1870 [McDowell, Mercer, Mineral, and Monongalia Counties].microfilm

WEST VIRGINIA - 1880 [Greenbrier, Hampshire, Hancock, Hardy and Harrison,Mercer, Mineral [cont.], Monongalia and Monroe Counties]. microfilm

WEST VIRGINIA - 1880 Census of West Virginia: Compiled Alphabeticallyby Counties by William A. Marsh. apl. F240.M37 Vol. 7

WEST VIRGINIA - 1890 [Union Veterans and Widows of Union Veteransof the Civil War]. microfilm

WEST VIRGINIA - 1900 [Greenbrier, Hampshire, Hancock, Hardy, Mercer,Mineral, Mingo, Preston and Putnam Counties]. microfilm

WEST VIRGINIA - 1910 [Fayette (part), Gilmer, Hampshire, Mercer (part),Monroe, Mineral and Morgan Counties]. microfilm

WEST VIRGINIA - 1920 [Mineral, Monongalia County] microfilm


Allegany County, Maryland Rural Cemeteries. apl. F188.A4 A44 1990 (circulatingcopy available)

Burial Grounds of Bedford County Pennsylvania. apl. F157.B25 B66 1993

Cemeteries in and Around Allegany County: Recording of Names. apl. F188.A4.C45

Cemeteries of Bedford Co. apl. F157.B25 D53 1993

Cemetery Records of Greene County, Pennsylvania. apl. F157.G8 H46 1975

Commemorating Frostburg's Percy Cemetery : restoration and research by AnthonyE. Crosby. apl. F187.F7 C76 1995

Cumberland, Allegany County, Maryland: Rose Hill Cemetery Records.apl.F188.A4.C85

Laurel Hill Cemetery Recording. apl. F187.A4 J66

Maryland's Garrett County Graves. apl. F187.G2 M373 1995

More Names in Stone: Cemetery Inscriptions From the Peripheral Areas of FrederickCounty, Maryland. apl. F188.F8 H654 1972

Names in Stone; 75,000 Cemetery Inscriptions from Frederick County, Maryland.apl. F188.F8.H65

Record of Graves in Percy Cemetery, Frostburg, Maryland. apl. F187.F7.R42

Rose Hill Cemetery Cumberland, Maryland: an Inventory. apl. F188.A4 R67 1995

St. Michael's Cemetary [i.e. cemetery] Tombstone Inscriptions of Frostburg,Maryland. apl. F189.F7.S35

Tombstone Readings From St. Ignatius Now St. Patricks Cemetery. apl. F189.M68L35 1994

Zion Memorial Park, Inc.: Lot Holders Records, Photographs, and MiscellaneousBusiness Records from 1888-1957. apl. F188.Z4.Z56


Allegheny Passage: Churches and Families, West Marva District, Church ofthe Brethren, 1752-1990. apl. BX7820.W38 B58 1990

Anniversary booklet with a historical narrative : Vale Summit United MethodistChurch, Rev. George Harpold, Pastor. Vale Summit United Methodist Churchone hundredth anniversary, 1889-1989. apl. BX8248.M3 A56 1989

Baptismal Records of Apple's Church [Lutheran and Reformed] [Near Thurmont,Maryland] 1773-1848. apl. BX8042.M3 B36 1963

Baptismal Records of Jerusalem Lutheran and Reformed Church, Berks County,Pennsylvania. apl. BX8042.P4 K5 1959

Checklist of the German Registers of Virginia. apl. CD3568.5.C54

Church record of Zion's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Wellersburg, Pa. 1823-1904.apl. BX8042.P4 C48 1905

Church Records of Berlin, Somerset County, Pennsylvania: Church Book ofCongregations of Both Evangelical Lutheran and Evangelical Reformed (BrothersValley Township): Births, Deaths, Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, ApproximatePeriod Covers 1788-1856. apl. BX8042.P4 G74 1989

Church register ; and One hundredth anniversary of organization andre-dedication, 1832-1932 / First Methodist Episcopal Church (Frostburg, Md.).apl. microfilm BX8481.F7 F57 1964

Church register for Alleghany Circuit: First Methodist Episcopal Church,Frostburg Register 1838-1852. apl. BX8248.M3 C48 1985

Directory of Maryland Church Records. apl. CD3288.5.K36 1987

Early Church Records of Allegany County, Maryland of Christ's Church, nowSt. Paul's Lutheran Church, Cumberland, Md. apl. BX8042.M3 E23 1963

Evangelical Lutheran of Zion--Allegany County. apl. BX8042.M3 E92 1982

Lutheran Church Records 1801-1921 From Allegany County, Cumberland, Marylandand Family Bible Records. apl. BX8042.M3 L9 1968

Methodist Circuit, Allegany County, Maryland--Bedford County, Pennsylvania,Records. apl. F187.A4.M47

Mountain religion : an ethnographic field study of nine United Church ofChrist Congregations in Western Maryland by Frank A. Stone. apl. BX9885.S861996

The new Kingsley United Church : 1970, our centennial year. apl. BX8481.C9.N381970

The Parish Registers of Crofton, Co. York 1615-1812. apl. CS436.W34 C76 1918

Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church centennial celebration, July 11, 1976.apl. BX8382.2.P53 1976

The Record of Hawksbill Church, 1788-1850, Page County, VA. apl. BX8042.V8W87 1979

Records: First Presbyterian Church, Cumberland, Maryland. (Records from 1834to 1930.) apl. BX8949.C9 R42 1968

Records, Beam German Reformed Church (now Mount Laurel United Church of Christ),Jenner Twp, Somerset County, Pennsylvania and Joint Consistory of the Beam'sCharge. apl. BX9884.Z5 M3 1991

St. Ignatius (Now St. Patrick) Mt. Savage, Md., St. Mary in Cumberland, Md.:Parishioners Marriages Baptisms and Deaths, 1819-1844 by Phyllis Davidson.apl. BX1418.M68 D38 1996

St. John's Reformed Church, Corriganville, Md. Church Records. apl. BX9497.C5S24 1981

St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Cumberland, Maryland : the early marriage, birthand death records from 1790 to 1900, including the translated German recordsfrom the "Kirchen Buch". apl BX8042.M3 S24 1969


Bedford County Marriage Records, Bedford County, Pennsylvania, Oct. 1885-April1890. apl. F157.B25 H46 1989

Central Pennsylvania Marriages, 1700-1896. apl. F148.F47 1993

Early Allegany County Records, 1787-1825 (Contains marriage licenses, wills,and administration accounts). apl. F188.A4.E15

Early Lutheran Baptisms and Marriages in Southeastern Pennsylvania: the Recordsof Rev. John Casper Stoever From 1730 to 1779: With an Index by ElizabethP. Bentley. apl. BX8042.P4 S87 1988

Frederick County, Virginia, Marriages, 1771-1825. apl. F232.F75.D3 1973

The Jacob Engelbrecht Marriage Ledger of Frederick County, Maryland, 1820-1890:Including Fathers, Non-Frederick County Marriages, Black Couples, 2nd and3rd Marriages, non-traditional Family Name Spellings, Military Units in Whichthe Groom is Currently Enlisted, New Society Headliners, Royalty, Politiciansand Other Information to Help the Frederick County Researcher. apl. F187.F8L66 1994

Loudoun County Marriages, 1760-1850. apl. F232.L8 V64 1985

Loudoun County, Virginia, Marriage Bonds, 1762-1850. apl. F232.L8.J4

The Marriage Diary of Reverend William Shaw of Allegany County, Maryland:Deacon of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1792-1813. apl. BX8481.C8 S53 1967

Marriage Licenses, August 1, 1791 - November 30, 1873, with some MarriagesProved (Allegany County, Maryland Records; Allegany County Court House,Cumberland, Md.) apl. F188.A4.M37

Marriage Records in the Virginia State Library: a Researcher's Guide. apl.Z1345.V63 1988

Marriage Records, Jefferson County, W. Va. (Va.), 1801 to 1833, 1850 to 1868,less 1861 to 1866 (incomplete). apl. F247.J4.M37

Marriage Records of Baltimore City and County, Maryland: 1777-1799. apl.F189.B153 A2 1975

Marriage Records of Berkeley County, Virginia for the Period of 1781-1854:Located at Berkeley County Court House, Martinsburg, W. Va. apl. F247.B5.K41983

Marriage records of Clearfield County, Pa. : [prior to October 1, 1885.]apl. F157.C53 M37

Marriage Records 1788-1851 from the Evangelical Reformed Church and theEvangelical Lutheran Church, Berlin, Somerset Co., Pa. apl. BX8042.P4 M31980

Marriages and Deaths from the Cumberland Alleganian, Cumberland, Maryland,May 16, 1864-May 1, 1867. apl. F188.A4.G37

Marriages and Deaths from the Maryland Gazette, 1727-1839. apl. F180.B37

Marriages and Deaths from the Newspapers of Allegany and Washington Counties,Maryland, 1820-1830. apl. F187.A4 W75 1993

Marriages of Pendleton County, Virginia 1788-1853. apl. F247.P3.H37

Maryland Marriages, 1634-1777. apl.F180.B38

Maryland Marriages, 1778-1800. apl. F180.B39

Maryland Marriages, 1801-1820. apl. F180.B42 1993

Names of Persons for Whom Marriage Licenses were Issued in the Province ofPennsylvania, Previous to 1790. apl. F152.N32

Pendleton County, Virginia Marriage Bonds 1791-1853; Complete 1810 Census.apl. F247.P3.H3

Pennsylvania German Marriages: Marriages and Marriage Evidence in PennsylvaniaGerman Churches. apl. F160.G3 I74 1982

Record of Marriages Performed by Michael Dively, Commonwealth Dokter Squireof Salisbury, Somerset Co., Pa., June 30th, 1816-February 16, 1840. apl.F157.S6.M35

A Record of the Marriages Performed by the Reverend William Walch in HampshireCounty, Virginia; Hardy County, Virginia (West Virginia after 1863); andAllegany County, Maryland from 1816-1867. apl. CS68.R4.C8

Records of Rev. Knepper, Wellersburg, Pa., Marriages & Deaths, 1848-1903.apl. BX8042.P4 R42

St. Ignatius (Now St. Patrick) Mt. Savage, Md., St. Mary in Cumberland, Md.:Parishioners Marriages Baptisms and Deaths, 1819-1844 by Phyllis Davidson.apl. BX1418.M68 D38 1996

Shenandoah County Virginia Marriage Bonds: 1772-1850. apl. F232.S47 A83 1993

Some Virginia Marriages, 1700-1799 by Cecil D. McDonald. apl. F225.M38

Wedding Anniversary Announcements from "The Cumberland News" 1942-1971 (EarlierYears Incomplete). Genealogical Society of Allegany County, 1983. apl. GT2800.W42


A Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services: With TheirNames, Ages, and Places of Residence...Under the Act for Taking the SixthCensus. apl. E255.C46 1989

Early History of Western Pennsylvania: Western Pennsylvania Pensioners forRevolutionary Services, Rejected and Suspended Pension Applications of WesternPennsylvania Residents, with new index. apl. F153.R86 1989

Index to Revolutionary War Pension Applications. apl. CS63.I6

A List of Non-commissioned Officers and Soldiers of the Virginia Line onContinental Establishment, Whose Names Appear on the Army Register, and WhoHave Not Received Bounty Land; and, A List of Non-commissioned Officers andSoldiers of the Virginia State Line, and Non-commissioned Officers and Seamenand Marines of the State Navy, Whose Names are on the Army Register, andWho Have Not Received Bounty Land for Revolutionary Services. apl. UB374.V8L57 1982

Maryland Revolutionary Records; Data Obtained from 3,050 Pension Claims andBounty Land Applications, Including 1,000 Marriages of Maryland Soldiersand a List of 1,200 Proved Services of Soldiers and Patriots of Other States.apl. F185.N48

Military Lots see Appalachian Picture and Pamphlet File

[Military Records of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia1775-1920]. apl. F180.M54 Microfilm

The Pension List of 1820: U.S. War Department. apl. E255.U53 1991

The Pension Lists of 1792-1795: With Other Revolutionary War Pension Records.apl. E255.C589 1991


Guide to Naturalization Records of the United States by Christina K. Schaefer.apl. CS49.S32 1997

Index to Naturalization of Allegany County Immigrants, 1821-1852. apl. JK1834.I52

Maryland naturalization abstracts. apl. F180 .O79 1996

Naturalization Papers of Fulton and Bedford Counties, PA. apl. F157.F9.N371983

Naturalized in Cumberland (Copied from original records available at theAllegany County, Md. Circuit Court) apl. F189.C9.A42

Ship Passenger Lists: the South (1538-1825) apl. CS68.S53


Hampshire County Death Records (1866-1922). apl. F247.H2 H35 1993

The Jacob Engelbrecht Death Ledger of Frederick County, Maryland: 1820-1890by Edith Olivia Eader. apl. F188.F8.E12 1995

Marriages and Deaths from the Cumberland Alleganian, Cumberland, Maryland,May 16, 1864-May 1, 1867. apl. F188.A4.G37

Marriages and Deaths from the Maryland Gazette, 1727-1839. apl. F180.B37

Miscellaneous Obituaries of 1890-1950; 19th Century and 20th Century Pioneers,Allegany County, Maryland. apl. F188.A4.O25

Obits--List of Names from Obituary Column, Cumberland News, 1958-1977. apl.F188.A2.O2 Microfilm

Obituaries - Garrett County and Surroundings, July-Dec. 1982- (taken fromOakland Republican). apl. F188.G2.O2


Abstract of Wills and Inventories, Fairfax County, Virginia, 1742-1801. apl.F232.F2.K5

Abstracts of Wills, Inventories, and Administration Accounts of FrederickCounty, Virginia, 1743-1800... apl. F232.F75.K56 1980

Abstracts of Wills, Inventories, and Administration Accounts of Loudoun County,Virginia, 1757-1800 ... apl. F232.L8.K5 1978

Bedford County Wills: Unrecorded and Volume 1 1770-1819, Abstracts of Wills,Administrations, Renunciations, Citations for Bedford County Pennsylvania,Unrecorded Wills 1771 to ca 1800, Will Book Volume 1, 1771 to 1819. apl.F148.B42 1990

Cambria County, Pennsylvania Willbook Index, 1804-1900. apl. F157.C16 C351983

Early Allegany County Records, 1787-1825 (Contains marriage licenses, wills,and administration accounts). apl. F188.A4.E15

Index of Baltimore County Wills, 1759-1850. apl. F187.B2.C3

Index to Bedford County, Pennsylvania, wills, 1771-1900. apl. F157.B25 C651992

Index to Fayette Co., Pa. Wills, 1783-1900. apl. F157.F2 C55 1980

Index to Greene County, Pa. Wills, 1796-1900. apl. F157.G8 C57 1985

Index of Maryland Colonial Wills, 1634-1777, in the Hall of Records, Annapolis,Md. apl. F180.M23 1967

Index to Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania Wills, 1773-1896. apl. F157.W5C54 1986

Index of Wills & Administration Records, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,1682-1782. apl. KFP144.8.P5 W54

Index to the Wills of: Allegany County, 1784-1960. apl. F188.A4.H8

Index to Washington County, Pennsylvania Wills, 1781-1900. apl. F157.W3 C561990

King George County, Virginia, Will book A-1, 1721-1752, and MiscellaneousNotes. apl. F232.K45 K56 1978

Magruder's Maryland Colonial Abstracts; Wills, Accounts, and Inventories,1772-1777. apl. F1801.M27

The Maryland Calendar of Wills. apl. F180.C852 and apl. F180.C853

Maryland, Index to the Wills of: St. Mary's County, 1662-1960; Somerset County,1664-1955. apl. F187.S2.H8

Somerset County, Pennsylvania Willbook Index 1795-1900. apl. F157.S6 C461984

Virginia Wills and Administrations, 1632-1800; an Index of Wills Recordedin Local Courts of Virginia... apl. F225.T85 1965

Virginia Wills Before 1799. apl. F230.C62 1958

Wills and Administrative Accounts, 1826-1850, Allegany County (At head oftitle: Allegany County Records, 1826-1850 Volume 6). apl. .F188.A4.W5

Wills and Administrations of Surry County, Virginia, 1671-1750. apl. F232.S9.D31980

Wills of Richmond County, Virginia, 1699-1800. apl. F232.R4 H4 1983